Aim Trainer Plus

Aim Trainer spawns targets randomly around the for the player to click on. The more targets you click, the higher your score. Accuracy is tracked, so randomly clicking will hurt both your accuracy and score. There are three difficulties to choose from, which determine the number of targets spawned at once and the size of the targets. Once the program is initialized, the player can continue to replay the game without needing to rerun the program. The player can exit the program at any time using ESCAPE or QUIT.

Project maintained by olincollege Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Aim Trainer Plus

Countless missed shots on fortnite, hundreds of losses on call of duty, all of this led us to wonder: How could we get better at shooting games? Our mission was to create the best most engaging aim trainer possible, so that we would never have to experience another missed shot playing video games.

While there are many aim trainers that exist today we found that a lot of them lack personality, which led us to discover and implement some unique features.

About Us


Krish Bhatia resides in New Jersey, where he enjoys playing basketball, riding his bike around, and going to concerts with his friends.


Matthew Gazin is from Switzerland, where he often skiis steep mountains, enjoys the sun with his friends and eats good food.


Owen Himsworth is from Long Island and loves to sail and take drives in his big orange truck.

The three friends (shown below) spent their entire sophmore and junior years of highschool stuck in qurantine. With nothing else to do they did what every other teenager at that age was doing: play video games all day. However there was one issue, they were all terrible players. Here is what they created to train, so that they could beat their friends at Call of Duty.


Key Features

The player is able to import an image that is the target that they want to shoot. This allows the player to have more fun with the game, and potentially more motivation to hit their target.

Another key feature of ours is the user’s ability to choose difficulty. We have three difficulty modes: Easy, Medium and Hard. image

The higher level that is chosen will result in smaller targets. Those who are up for the challenge can choose hard mode which has targets that are only 20x20 pixels. The different target sizes are displayed below from easy to hard: image image image

Once you are finished with the game you will be able to see the score that you acheived (how many targets you hit) and your accuracy (how many of your clicks were on target). Try and beat your friends scores and improve accuracy to become a better player at shooting games!


To play:

We hope that you enjoy the game. Train hard so that you can get more Victory Royale’s!

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