The PIE Drink Mixer

Most compact drink machine you've ever seen.

Our Objectives

For our PIE final project, we wanted to build a drink machine whose design was not only compact and appealing, but was re-imagined in a way that no one had seen before. We iterated through dozens of designs before settling on the engaging and user-focused product we created. As we built our machine we faced several challenges in determining our controller and creating a mechanism for dispensing water while maintaining our goal of creating an appealing design and reducing our plastic use.

See it in action!

Watch our machine pour drinks along with a high-level summary of how it works.

Our Budget

We were given $250. Here's how we spent it...

Our Design

We iteratively integrated the four components of our machine - mechanical, electrical, firmware, and software - into our prototype.

Mechanical Design

Handled assembly design and layout.

Electrical Design

Designed a circuit to integrate our LCD Screen system and dispensers.

Firmware Design

Supported the LCD screen and LED controlling.

Software Design

Interfaced between the LCD screen, microcontroller, solenoid, and LEDs.

Fun Facts!

  • Capable of dispensing at .4L/sec
  • Dispences up to 5 Liquids at once
  • 50+ Iterations
  • Interactive touch screen display
  • Reduced plastic packaging by 70%

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