Mechanical Breakdown
We used all food-safe components to design a ramen-maker that could fit on top of of a conventional induction cook-top.
Our goal was to create a one-click ramen making solution
that can be controlled by students remotely. We envision a world
where students arrive to class not worrying about their first
lecture of the day, but rather look forward to the smell of
freshly made ramen.
We used all food-safe components to design a ramen-maker that could fit on top of of a conventional induction cook-top.
The electrical box is mounted to the frame of the ramen-maker. It makes use of a Ardunio Mega to power and control the servos and stepper motors being used to prepare the ramen.
The software part of the project consists of a LCD screen interface, a start/stop button, and Text-to-Order model that allows for remote access for the user.
Our ramen-maker has features such as a ramen-dispenser, a powder dispenser,
a water despenser, automtic control to turn on the hot-plate, and one-click start/stop
functionality that has been curated to make the best type of ramen possible.
Our electrical system involves two power sources, a single Arduino Mega, a secondary Arduino Uno for extra power, one STSPIN820 stepper motor driver, one stepper motor, six servo motors, two vibration motors, one LCD display, a temperature sensing probe, the COTS Hotplate PCB, and multiple buttons.
Our goal was to make the firmware for this project simplistic and efficient. The biggest parts of the firmware can be divided into three different sections: The Hotplate, Dispensers, and the User Interface.
Ramen isn’t really ramen without the noodles, which means our ramen maker needed a way of storing and dispensing blocks of ramen noodles. The dispenser can hold eight blocks or ramen, dispensing them one at a time.
The water dispenser can hold up to 2 liters of water which can roughly prepare 4 bowls of ramen. It is built using food-safe components such as PVC pipes, plumbing valves, and plumbing water putty.
Good ramen starts with good broth, which means that our ramen maker needed a way of dispensing soup powder into the pan. The dispenser can hold 12 servings worth of soup powder, and dispenses precise amounts of powder into the soup.
"It was the yummiest project. Rated 5 star!!!"
I focused on the electrical design and integration of our machine, and I wanted to push myself
and do something that is super new to me. My favorite ramen is not ramen, but Mi Goreng!
Favourite Ramen: Mi Goreng
My focus of this project was the integration of software, electronics and hardware.
I believe that I achieved my goals in balancing the timeline with everyone else thanks
to our teamwork and communications.
Favourite Ramen: Jin Ramen
My focus this project was the water dispenser and developing the team website.
The goal I set out for myself was to prototype and iterate fast rather than
tunnel visioning.
Favourite Ramen: Shin 2x spicy (I swear they are tears of joy)
I focused on the powder dispenser and external frame for this project - fulfilling
my goal of exploring new manufacturing techniques and materials!
Favourite Ramen: Hot Take (I prefer Udon)
I focused on mechanical design work in this project, primarily on the noodle
dispensing. I got to fulfill my goal of working with new machines and rapid
iteration, and had a lot of fun learning sheet metal tools.
Favourite Ramen: Jin Ramen