
Gantry System to Organize a Desk.


For this project, we set out to create an H-Bot gantry system that would organize items on a desk.

How we did it

Creating DeskBot required various mechanical, electrical and software design choices.

System Overview

The system has many moving parts. Click to learn more about the overall system.


The major components of DeskBot were mechanical. Click to learn more about the design of the gripper and H-Bot system.


Various electrical components were used to move and control the system. Click to learn more about how we used them.

Software and Firmware

How did we control the gantry system and detect and organize different objects. Click to learn more about how we used Arduino, computer vision and python to drive DeskBot.

What we spent

We were given $250 and 2 months. Here is how we spent it.

Evan Lockwood

Evan Lockwood is a Robotics Engineer at the Olin College of Engineering. He worked on the software and mechanical system.

Mateo Macias

Mateo Macias is a Mechanical Engineer at the Olin College of Engineering.

Ben Eisenbraun

Ben Eisenbraun is a Mechanical Engineer at the Olin College of Engineering.

Raiyan Siddique

Raiyan Siddique is an Electrical and Compute Engineer at the Olin College of Engineering. He worked on the electrical and software systems.

Braden Vaccari

Braden Vaccari is a student at Brandeis University. He worked on the mechanical and electrical systems.