

At a high level, our gantry is able to achieve two axes of motion (3 when mounting the end effector, a separate component of the mechanical design for this pick and place) driven by two NEMA 17 stepper motors, two GT2 timing belts (cut to length), and 5mm shaft pulleys to fit on the steppers and opposing end of the driven axes.

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The system is made from 3D printed servo and rail mounts (printing done in-house) using COTS pulleys, belt, shafts, and linear rails with an accessible area of 289 in^2 - enough for an image composed of 1800 candies. The design has the y-axis stepper driving the separate x-axis stepper stage which is mounted on the y-axis linear rails. Belts were fastened to both the x-axis stage and end effector using zip-ties tied through a loop in the stage. Low friction COTS linear rails help achieve smooth, precise motion in both axes at the same time, which is crucial when moving parts as small as bite-sized candy. 
To ensure the end effector would not travel past the linear rails, limit switch mounts and physical material boundaries were integrated in the rail mount design. The whole system was then mounted onto plywood for stability and easier transport around the design studio. Electrical components - limit switches, motors, servos - were all routed to the electronics enclosure housing the PCB located at the front of the machine.

Next Steps

Given more time, there are some edits to the current design and ways we would like to take the design further. The first edit would be to drive both sides of the x-axis stage - have two steppers driving y-axis motion. This would prevent current problems with too much freedom and inaccuracies on the non-driven y-axis rail.

Another improvement would be to make the design more compact. As it stands the gantry itself cannot necessarily be shrunk, but the plywood that the project currently sits on can be redesigned into a more final enclosure that combines the electronics box and the gantry / bed. The enclosure should also cover the moving parts of the system to prevent any human errors - like bumping - while it is creating the image.

Finding a better way to clamp the belts to the carriages would benefit the performance of the machine as well. There are several elegant timing belt clamps that exist and any number of them would work with the system. That said, the carriages must be designed with these clamping methods in mind to prevent interference issues.

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