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And we've built a robot that can drive around and dispense hand sanitizer to any person that wants it, with the simple wave of a hand!


Mechanical Components

From a chassis, to sensor mounts, to a lot of hot glue, our mechanical components grew a lot! 


Electrical Components

A lot of tactile sensors gave our electrical component a lot of complexity!


Software Components

Click here to learn more about our movement and sensor software, and the problems we faced!


Some general documentation of how we scoped our project!

Sprint 1

In Sprint 1, we wanted to have a functioning 2-wheel drive on a COTS drivebase that could react to bumping into a wall via a tactile switch making contact with a hard surface. As a stretch goal in this sprint, we wanted to move to 4-wheel drivebase with an integrated electrical component (a tactile switch connected to the drivebase). More details on the Sprint 1 page!

Sprint 2

In Sprint 2, we upgraded to our own chassis design! We added more tactile switches to the electrical design, and started playing around with infrared sensors! We also faced our first large programming bug - debouncing. Visit the Sprint 2 page to learn more about this and how we moved forward!

Sprint 3

In Sprint 3, we accomplished the goal we set out to accomplish - we built a 4-wheeled robot that was capable of changing direction after making contact with any surface, and could stop if the IR sensor connected to it detected a hand. We had a fully integrated electrical system, switching from a power supply to two battery packs, and had a mechanical sensor enclosure designed. We also made our code more robust, and added an electrical cover. Visit the Sprint 3 page to learn more!


Sprint 1

Click here to learn more about what we accomplished in the first two weeks of the project!


Sprint 2

Click here to learn more about what we accomplished in the second two weeks of the project!


Sprint 3

Click here to learn more about what we accomplished in the final two weeks of the project!