free bootstrap themes


This project was a large learning experience for the entire team, with a lot of credit that needs to be distributed. 

  1. TEACHING TEAM - Our team had the fortune of receiving a lot of guidance from the teaching team of this class. We were able to ask all our questions to the different Course Assistants, professors, and other teams, all to make this experience as successful as possible, learning wise and product-wise. 
  2. ONLINE RESOURCES - In the initial stages of our project, we did a lot of reasearch on how to implement tactile switches, and how to integrate different sensors into our code. Some useful links were about the specifics behind tactile switches, and how to wire the switches.
  3. OTHER TEAMS - The other PIE teams were a huge help to us in the duration of this project. Seeing their implementations during Sprint Reviews helped us scope where we should be at design-wise, and talking to them about their projects inspired us to add components to ours. It felt really nice to work in a community of people that were all working towards a similar goal.


Check out our full BOM at this link!

Automatic hand sanitizer dispenser


IR Sensors


Hinge Limit Switches


Wood Piece (1x3x6)


Home Depot

4-wheel robot kit


AA Batteries


Wood for chassis (1" thick)


Home Depot

AA Batteries 36 Pack


Home Deopt

8 Battery Holder


Team Bonding



Robot Enhancements (Aesthetics)


Party City + Dollar Tree

Hand Sanitizer (Dispenser + Refill)

