
Meet the team who brought it to life!

We are 5 undergraduate students at Olin College of Engineering who each brought different skills and experiences. Together, we were able learn a lot, make something we're proud of, all while having fun!


Caitlin is a junior majoring in Engineering with Computer Science. She led our electrical design as well as working on every part of the software and firmware. She would also like to thank Sam for her new found love of cold brew.

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  • Jen

    Jen is a sophomore majoring in Engineering with Design. She was excited to improve her mechanical design and fabrication skills. She was behind a lot of the initial cell prototyping and all of our final mounts. Assemblies can be tough, but they are no match for Jen.

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  • Julia

    Julia is a junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. She was excited to improve her mechanical design skills and she CADed many final components. She also improved her software skills through working on the website. She was triumphant through many fights with laser cutters.

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  • Ruby

    Ruby is a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Business and Finance. She was the project manager and ensured we stayed on track. You could also find her ideating on mechancial design, or creating our beautiful notion.

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  • Sam

    Sam is a junior majoring in Engineering with Computer Science. She focused on implementing the software firmware communication, and worked on anything and everything else software related. She was glad Caitlin was by her side coding late into the night.

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